TOP  > history


1955  KITAGAWA Rubber Store established
1959  Limited Company established
1963  KITAGAWA Rubber Industrial Limoted Company established
1967  Opened Tokyo Office
1972 Opened New York(U.S.A.) office
1974 Opened New York(U.S.A.) office
1977 YOKOHAMA(Japan) sales office established
1980 Europe office moved to Darmstadt(near by Frankfurt, Germany)
1980 Relocated the Head Office to Chiyoda, Naka-ku, Nagoya City
1983 Established a manufacturing subsidiary Platec Corporation
1985 Held the first Technical Expo(Osaka,Tokyo)
1986 Established a subsidiary ESD Technologies
1989 Opened Taiwan office at Taipei
1994 Established a subsidiary, Kitagawa Electronics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. in Singapore
1995 Established a subsidiary, Kitagawa Industries (H.K.) Limited in Hong Kong
1995 Established a subsidiary, PT. Kitagawa Industries Indonesia in Indonesia
1996 Listed the stock on the Second Section of the Nagoya Stock Exchange
1996 Oiso EMC center established
1997 Started MEF (moldless enclosure fabrication) system
1999 Opened Kasugai EMC Center
1999 Awarded ISO9001 certification
2000 Established a subsidiary, Shanghai Kitagawa Industries Co., Ltd. in China
2000 Established a subsidiary, Kitagawa Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. in Thailand
2001 Awarded ISO14001 certification
2004 Taiwa awarded ISO9001 certification
2008 Taiwan awarded ISO14001 certification

